Free Singer Tips Library
Welcome to a library of free singing voice lessons and vocal tips from Jeannie Deva covering a variety of subjects of interest to singers and instrumentalists alike. Each of the links below take you to the free lesson and you can return to this page using the back button of your browser or the small breadcrumb links at the top of each page.
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3 Tips to Sing Better Fast
You love to sing. You do whatever it takes to sound good, but it’s not [...]
Alcohol and the Voice
If you're a singer, your body is your instrument. Improper care of it over [...]
Classical vs. Contemporary Vocal Technique
I recently received two questions from a reader that I think are of importance to [...]
Developing Your Vocal Performance
By Jeannie Deva Perfect Singer I’ve met many singers who think they have to be [...]
Does Age Affect Your Voice?
"Jeannie, I have been wondering for a long time how age (and other factors [...]
Effective Lead Vocals Part 1
What makes one singer's voice "really do it to you" while another's leaves you feeling [...]
Effective Lead Vocals Part 1
What makes one singer's voice "really do it to you" while another's leaves you feeling [...]
Effective Lead Vocals Part 2
Microphone Technique Many vocalists are in the habit of "eating" the microphone which means staying [...]
Effective Lead Vocals Part 3
Eye Contact What you do with your eyes during a performance should be determined by [...]
Eight Pillars of Vocal Care
[This vocal tip is excerpted and adapted from Jeannie Deva’s 2012 e-Publication: “Singer’s Guide to [...]

Eliminating Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety
(Excerpted from "Singer's Guide to Powerful Performances" eBook by Jeannie Deva.) Do you get stage [...]
Expanding Vocal Range Part Four
Developing the natural function of your voice gives you confidence and opens the door to [...]
Expanding Vocal Range Part Three
Singing with volume and power is perhaps the second most common wish I have heard [...]
Expanding Vocal Range Part Two
Wanting more vocal range is the most frequent wish I have heard from the thousands [...]
Finding the Right Microphone
This month’s vocal tip is adapted from Jeannie Deva’s eBook: Singer’s Guide to Powerful Performances, Chapter [...]
Food Singers Should Avoid
Sometimes it’s liberating to break some rules and be impulsive, but right before a performance [...]
Foods for Singers
By Jeannie Deva. Question: "What are the best foods and beverages to drink before [...]
Gigging Singer
Looking back over my early years as a performing singer, it is easy to see [...]

How to Learn a Song Fast and Easy—Part One
You might think the steps of learning a song obvious: learn the words; learn [...]

How to Sing Riffs, Runs and Embellishments
History. Singing riffs, runs, and embellishments like Christina Aguilera, Beyonce or Mariah Carey has become [...]
How to sing without strain
Do You Strain When You Sing? Vocal strain - You can hear it in the [...]
Is Singing Still Fun?
On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your enjoyment of singing? [...]
Learning a Song Part Two
Here is Part Two of my Learning a Song article as it appeared in [...]
Nodes and Polyps
Q: A singer develops nodules or polyps on their vocal cords from overuse, what is the [...]
Nose Buzz – A Resonance Technique
Want a vocal quick-fix that results in greater volume without effort, corrects pitch and makes [...]

Physical Exercise and Weight Training for Singers
Singer Case Study Some years ago I was teaching a singer in a Rock [...]
Powerful Performance Building Blocks – Part 1
Here’s an excerpt from Jeannie Deva’s upcoming new book: "Singer’s Guide to Powerful Performances" September [...]
Powerful Performance Building Blocks – Part 2
3. Stage Presentation and Performance Skills. A performance is a multimedia, multisensory creation and experience [...]
Powerful Performance Building Blocks – Part 3
Part One and Two of this vocal tip can be found in our Archives. 4. Vocal Skills. Your [...]
Reducing Vocal Strain Exercise
Nearly every singer I have coached has at one time or another experienced some degree of vocal strain. You can use the exercise
Secrets of Singing with Power
Vowels and Consonants Vowel sounds originate from the vibration of your vocal folds. Consonants are [...]
Self-Critique and Success
By Jeannie Deva Self-critiquing is a valid tool of development if it is done well. [...]
Sing Hard – Avoid Vocal Blow-out
Can you use it and not lose it? As you may know from experience, powerful [...]
Singing Winning Songs
Sing the Winning Song. By Jeannie Deva. Do you want your audition performances to grab [...]
Singing with a Cold, Flu or Sore Throat?
By Jeannie Deva Q: "I've heard that singers should not sing if they have a [...]
Vocal Care Part One
I hope your holiday season has been enjoyable so far. To prevent vocal problems from [...]
Vocal Cool-Downs for Singers
In other Vocal Tips,we addressed the importance of warming-up your voice before rehearsals and gigs. [...]
Vocal Harmonies Part 1
Professional Sound Vocal harmony and choral singing can be considered art forms in themselves. Back-up [...]
Vocal Harmonies Part 2
How to Practice If you're not currently performing, you may find rehearsal time being used [...]
Vocal Monitor Mix
Lyrics and melody being the center of attention for most music fans, great vocals are [...]
Vocal Performance – Microphones and Monitors
By Jeannie Deva Vocal Technique Good vocal technique makes you a better singer so [...]
Vocal Recording Tips for Singers
Hope you’re all doing well. This month’s Vocal Tip is a question about recording that [...]
Vocal Technique – How Much is Enough?
Here are a few questions I have received from readers of my many magazine articles [...]
Vocal Technique – Right or Wrong?
By Jeannie Deva Confused About Vocal Technique? If you are confused about vocal technique, you [...]
What a Difference a Room Makes
If you do all your practicing in the same room, you may be setting yourself [...]
Winning Vocal Competitions and Auditions
Vocal Competitions and Auditions. By Jeannie Deva. With Online video submission, auditions for shows such [...]