Singer Food – 3 Holiday Tips
By Jeannie Deva The holidays can be a joyous time of year or sometimes a dreaded season from which to recover. Often the difference between the two depends upon how well we [...]
By Jeannie Deva The holidays can be a joyous time of year or sometimes a dreaded season from which to recover. Often the difference between the two depends upon how well we [...]
Best singer foods are discussed in other posts in the Vocal Care category of this blog. This post focuses on singer beverages, exercise and rest and is excerpted from Jeannie Deva’s eBook Singer’s Guide [...]
Good for Your Voice.For thousands of years, steam has been used as a remedy or therapy. Saunas and steam rooms are usual facilities in health spas, gymnasiums, and fitness centers.You can use steam [...]
By Jeannie DevaWhen your voice is tired and irritated from overuse or misuse, there are several remedies that help it recover faster. None of these remedies, however, take the place of seeking professional [...]
How often have I sat in a club and watched the singer down shots of hard liquor or bottles of beer. In certain genres of Rock music it was so common you’d think [...]
Excerpted from her eBook “The Singer’s Guide to Powerful Performances”) Here are some more tips to help you sleep well. Adequate rest is important for your voice to work well for you. Get [...]
(Excerpted from her eBook “The Singer’s Guide to Powerful Performances”) Adequate Rest Your body and your voice need rest in order to function at their best. Since your voice is generated by muscle [...]
"Jeannie, I have been wondering for a long time how age (and other factors like weight), affect vocal range, tone, etc. I have been reading your email tips for a few months and [...]
I think many people fear that as they grow older their voice will deteriorate. From my research and nearly five decades of experience, I would say that age alone is not the reason [...]
Flu Season Even though the holiday season can be fun and joyful, it is also a time when colds and flues seem more prevalent. A common query I get at this time of [...]