By Jeannie Deva

I’m not a nutritionist, but from my many years of experience with numerous diets and thousands of singers a pattern has emerged of which foods are beneficial and which are detrimental to the voice.

Any foods or beverages which stimulate phlegm (mucous) or stiffen muscles, particularly in the vocal folds, would be the ones to avoid for singers. Chief amongst these are dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.), very spicy food, citrus, and bananas. Also, anything you are allergic to such as gluten, is mucous producing. Stimulants such as caffeine or iced drinks have another unwanted side effect –  muscle constriction.

Your body needs energy so that it can perform for you. Help it to digest and metabolize well by keeping your food intake simple. I personally find juicy fruit and raw salads with a little light dressing to be easily digested by most people. Lightly cooked green vegetables and high quality protein also work well.

If you need a bit more food, add to that a small serving of rice or quinoa with no creamy or cheesy sauce. Butter is okay.  You can drink herbal tea or plain room temperature water.

I strongly advise against going hungry the day of a recording or performance. Hunger will stress-out your body which needs nutritional energy and hydration to deliver good vocal performance.

Rules to follow:

  • Do not drink coffee or caffeinated beverages within two to three hours prior to singing.
  • Do drink lots of room temperature water.
  • Do not drink iced beverages within two to three hours prior to singing.
  • Do not drink hot beverages prior to or during singing.
  • Do eat high water content fruit for hydration and energy.
  • Do eat high water content vegetables for hydration and minerals.
  • Do stay fed, but don’t overeat or stuff yourself.

For more tips on singer food and other performance know-how, buy and read The Singer’s Guide to Powerful Performances eBook.