Sing Easier – Relax Your Tongue

By Jeannie Deva

Does your tongue tense as you sing? Does the back of it pull up or push down as you use more range?

When the back of the tongue is pulled up or pushed down, inner throat muscles are being tensed. Sometimes this is done by a singer trying to open the space of the back inside of the mouth, perhaps thinking it will provide more resonance. Unfortunately, this tightening and locking of the muscles will reduce flexibility and hamper rather than enhance resonance and power.

Try this: Select a song whose melody you know. With your tongue extended slightly forward over your bottom lip, sing the melody of the song using the vowel “Ah” in place of the lyrics. Work on releasing any tension from the back of your tongue as you this.

Notice how the “Ah” can be accomplished without the use of the back of your tongue. This may take a bit of practice to accomplish.

When you can sing the entire melody without tongue tension using the “Ah” vowel, sing the song again with lyrics. Notice the difference. Releasing the tension of the tongue and inner muscles of the back of your mouth has a lot to do with increased resonance, flexibility and power.

For more exercises to increase range and resonance, buy and use The Contemporary Vocalist Vol. 1 Download.