(Excerpted from Singer’s Guide to Powerful Performances by Jeannie Deva)
Ultimately, you’ve got to sing what you believe in. If you don’t believe in your choices, can’t relate to the message, don’t like the musical style, there will be no passion. That lack of emotional connection will weaken your singing and overshadow your performance.

Remember, the world already has a Whitney Houston, a Bono (U-2), a Lady Gaga, an Usher and an Adele. What the world needs is a “You.” People are looking for someone fresh and different. If they wanted to hear and see whomever you think you should copy, they could just go see that person.

The development of style — just as that of a career — doesn’t have to be haphazard, mindless or dependent entirely upon luck, nor does it have to be synthetic or dispassionately calculated. It can be a natural, guided evolution when you study, practice and employ the principles we’re covering. (In the Singer’s Guide to Powerful Performances eBook)

Explore and develop your voice. Discover and highlight your strengths. Assess your goals and allow your creativity to evolve. This will guide you in making those important style decisions. Stay focused on this path as your surest route to success. The next chapters contain more information and exercises to continue the journey.