Vocal Technique – How Much is Enough?
Here are a few questions I have received from readers of my many magazine articles and my answers to them. If you have a question you’d like answered, please Email to Me and I’ll answer [...]
Here are a few questions I have received from readers of my many magazine articles and my answers to them. If you have a question you’d like answered, please Email to Me and I’ll answer [...]
In other Vocal Tips,we addressed the importance of warming-up your voice before rehearsals and gigs. Now let's take a look at what your voice needs after performance or rehearsals. Vocal Cool-Downs I have heard many [...]
Eye Contact What you do with your eyes during a performance should be determined by what is artistically appropriate rather than one's emotional hang-ups. Avoiding eye contact with your audience because of stage [...]
Microphone Technique Many vocalists are in the habit of "eating" the microphone which means staying so close to it that the lips touch the mike. The problem is that as you sing louder, [...]
What makes one singer's voice "really do it to you" while another's leaves you feeling ho-hum? Is it just that some have it and some don't - Some indescribable and mysterious achievement of [...]
This month’s vocal tip is adapted from Jeannie Deva’s eBook: Singer’s Guide to Powerful Performances, Chapter 22: Finding the Right Microphone. What a Difference a Mic Makes The microphone is the gateway to your [...]
If you do all your practicing in the same room, you may be setting yourself up for a difficulty you’d never suspect. Read my story and you’ll see what I mean. Some years [...]
You love to sing. You do whatever it takes to sound good, but it’s not always easy. You have your embarrassing moments. Sometimes your voice feels tight. Sometimes you get the note but [...]
Singer Case Study Some years ago I was teaching a singer in a Rock band who was rather physically frail. I was working with him on developing his vocal power while eliminating [...]
I hope your holiday season has been enjoyable so far. To prevent vocal problems from ruining things,this month's Vocal Tip will give you several remedies that you can use on a tired and [...]