Reducing Vocal Strain Exercise
Nearly every singer I have coached has at one time or another experienced some degree of vocal strain. You can use the exercise
Nearly every singer I have coached has at one time or another experienced some degree of vocal strain. You can use the exercise
By Jeannie Deva. Question: "What are the best foods and beverages to drink before a performance or recording session?" Answer: Nutrition can get pretty complex, so my message to singers is: Keep [...]
(Excerpted from "Singer's Guide to Powerful Performances" eBook by Jeannie Deva.) Do you get stage fright? Stage fright is often a performer's nightmare, and if obvious, an audience's let-down. The manifestations can vary [...]
Stage Fright. By Jeannie Deva. Do you get stage fright? Stage fright is more common for novice performers but even seasoned professionals may be plagued by it. While the specific reasons for it [...]
Belting or Singing with Power. By Jeannie Deva. What is Belting? After coaching thousands of singers, I would say that singing with volume and power is perhaps their second most common wish. The [...]
If you're a singer, your body is your instrument. Improper care of it over long periods of time will become evident in the sound of your voice. Younger bodies, having less cumulative [...]
By Jeannie DevaWhen your voice is tired and irritated from overuse or misuse, there are several remedies that help it recover faster. None of these remedies, however, take the place of seeking professional [...]
Can you use it and not lose it? As you may know from experience, powerful singing is a style that seems plagued by its own punishment - strain, hoarseness, laryngitis, throat discomfort, loss [...]
Part One of this recording tip can be found in our Archives. 6. The Right Mic. Your voice is unique and so is each microphone. Match the personality of the mic to your voice. [...]
Vocal recording is an art unto itself. These 10 tips are a distillation of over 20 years of experience as a recording studio vocal specialist. 1. Pre-Production. Most musicians can’t afford to waste [...]